Deze tweet van Dr Peter Sjöstedt-H bracht mij op dit boek dat me onbekend was;
Richard Maurice Bucke, Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind. E.P. Dutton and Company, Inc, 1901 - PDF cf ook alwaar het review is te lezen: The medical doctor, Richard M. Bucke, wrote this book in the year 1900. It has circulated among a small group of mystics and religious seekers ever since. In brief, Dr. Bucke proposes that all the religious leaders of all religions throughout all history began their missions with a common subjective experience that he calls 'Cosmic Consciousness.' He uses ancient texts by these religious leaders to clarify his position, and this occupies most of his book. Many readers say this is a brilliant book. Alan Watts, for example, was an advocate of this book. Dr. Bucke also believes many poets were blessed with this same Cosmic Consciousness, including Walt Whitman, who was a personal friend of Dr. Bucke.
Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind is a 1901 book by the psychiatrist Richard Maurice Bucke, in which the author explores the concept of cosmic consciousness, which he defines as "a higher form of consciousness than that possessed by the ordinary man". [Cf. wiki]
In deel 4 beschreef hij "Ïnstances of Cosmic Consciousness (zoals Buddha, Jezus Christus, Paulus, Mohammed e.a). Daaraan voegde hij een deel 5 toe:"Additional - Some of them Lesser, Imperfect, and Doubtful Instances (waaronder Mozes, Socrates, Pascal en Spinoza)
Hierna neem ik 't hoofdstuk over Spinoza eruit over

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