woensdag 22 januari 2020

Michael Della Rocca gaat het zgn "idealisme" van #Spinoza sterker benadrukken

Michael Della Rocca is bezig met een tweede editie van zijn Spinoza, waarin hij Spinoza's 'idealisme' nog eens sterker wil benadrukken dan hij al deed [Cf. blog van  14-07-2015: "Spinoza wordt een soort idealist bij Michael Della Rocca"]

Dit is te lezen in het uitgebreide interview dat Richard Marshall op 3:AM Magazine met Michael Della Rocca had onder de titel: Parmenides and Spinoza.
Daarin is tamelijk op 't eind te lezen:
3:16: How does Spinoza avoid being an idealist? Does the fact that he thinks the conceptual outstrips the mental help him achieve this?
MDR: He doesn’t avoid being an idealist. In one important sense of idealism—the sense according to which the existence of anything depends on its being conceived or being thought of by a thinking thing—Spinoza is an idealist. His commitment to a version of the PSR pretty much guarantees that he is this kind of idealist. I will stress the connection between Spinoza and idealism in the second edition of my book, Spinoza, which I am preparing now.

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