donderdag 25 april 2019

Zoeken naar en #Spinoza vinden in Heidegger

Vandaag werd online geplaatst het artikel (nog niet op zijn of zijn researchgate):
Kasper Lysemose, “The Force of Existence. Looking for Spinoza in Heidegger.” In: Sophia, International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions [Uitgever Springer]. pp 1–34

Abstract: In the perhaps most decisive reopening of philosophy in the twentieth century, Heidegger presented an existential analytic. This can be viewed as the highly complex analysis of one simple action: being-there (Dasein). In the paper at hand, a Spinozist interpretation of this action is proposed. This implies a shift in the Aristotelian conceptuality, which, to a large extent, informs Heidegger’s analysis. The action of being-there is not a movement from potentiality (δύναμις) to actuality (ἐνέργεια). It is a force of existence (vis existendi). However, this force is located right at the threshold between potentiality and actuality. Accordingly, it is not a matter of dismissing Aristotle’s concepts, but—with Heidegger—to observe carefully their deconstruction and pursue it to the point where these concepts become indistinct and where—beyond Heidegger—a Spinozian force of existence emerges.
Is being [das Sein] imparted to the individual modes [Weisen] in such a way that by this imparting [Mitteilung] it in fact parts itself out, although in this parting out [Verteilung] it is not partitioned [zerteilt] in such a way that, as divided, it falls apart and loses its proper essence, its unity? Might the unity of being lie precisely in this imparting parting out [mitteilende Verteilung]? And if so, how would and could something like that happen? What holds sway in this event [Was waltet in diesem Geschehen]? (These are questions after Being and Time!) (Heidegger (1995b, p. 25)—translation slightly modified.)

Heidegger, M. (1995b). Aristotle’s metaphysics Θ 1–3 (trans: Walter Brogan and Peter Warnek). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Blogs over Heidegger en Spinoza

Cf. mijn blog van 01-10-2010: “Heidegger (1889 - 1976) en zijn omkering van Spinoza”
en ook het blog van 10-04-2012: "Rudolf Boehm (1927) over Spinoza" [dat veel over Heidegger bevat].
Ook het blog van 21-07-2013: "Spinoza houdt goed stand in het (post)moderne denken ." Over het hoofdstuk van Tinneke Beeckman, "De ontologische differentie als aanzet om de alledaagsheid te denken: het belang van Heidegger voor de hedendaagse Franse filosofie (Deleuze)," in Marc Van den Bossche & Chris Bremmers (Red.), De actualiteit van Martin Heideggers 'Zijn en tijd'. Essays ter gelegenheid van de tachtigste verjaardag van Heideggers 'Sein und Zeit' [Damon, Budel 2007]

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