Ilyenkov in the mid-70’s (from the archive of A. V. Potemkin)
in: Alex Levant & Vesa Oittinen (eds.), Dialectics of the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism. Leiden / Boston: Brill [Historical materialism, volume 60], 2014
in: Alex Levant & Vesa Oittinen (eds.), Dialectics of the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism. Leiden / Boston: Brill [Historical materialism, volume 60], 2014
vervolg op eerdere blogs kan ik hier weer enige literatuur toevoegen. Eerst die
eerdere blogs:
blog van 23-03-2009: Evald Vasilyevitch Ilyenkov (1924 -
1979) en Spinoza
blog van 1 juli 2018: Evald Vasilyevitch Ilyenkov (1924 -
1979) en Spinoza [2]
blog van 7 mei 2019: Vygotsky (1896 - 1934), Ilyenkov (1924
- 1979) & Spinoza
● Vesa Oittinen (ed.), Evald Ilyenkov's Philosophy
Revisited. Proceedings of the Symposium in Helsinki, 7th -8th Setember 1999
[Aleksanteri-Instituutti]. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications, Dec. 2000 [Cf. amazon]
● Vesa Oittinen, "Evald Il'enkov as interpreter of
Spinoza." In: Studies in East European
Thought, 57 [2005], pp. 319-38 [Dit is de juiste titel. In het vorige blog bracht ik het onder de versimpelde titel
[Ilyenkov en Spinoza], zoals het ook naar academia.edu was geüpload; zie ook het PDF op BookSC]
● Alex Levant & Vesa Oittinen (eds.), Dialectics of
the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism. BRILL, 2013 - 236 pagina’s
cf. books.google,
cf. PDF op BookSC;
daarin het hoofdstuk van
● Vesa Oittinen: “Evald Ilyenkov, the Soviet Spinozist,” pp. 107-122
● Vesa Oittinen: “Evald Ilyenkov, the Soviet Spinozist,” pp. 107-122
● Giuliano Andrea Vivaldi, Rethinking Soviet Marxism:
The Case of Evald Ilyenkov. A Review of Dialectics
of the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism, edited by Alex Levant
and Vesa Oittinen. In: Historical
Materialism, Volume 25, Issue 2
[2017], Brill, pp. 1–16 [PDF op BookSC]
Abstract: This
review-essay explores approaches to the thought of the creative Soviet Marxist
thinker Evald Ilyenkov as discussed in a recent book edited by Alex Levant and
Vesa Oittinen, Dialectics
of the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism. The book consists
of a series of commentaries and contextual essays which centre on the
translated text of Ilyenkov’s Dialectics of the Ideal. The approach the authors take
to Ilyenkov’s work differs from previous ones of exploring the totality of
Ilyenkov’s thought or eclectic aspects of it. By commenting on and
contextualising Ilyenkov’s major text on the Ideal they locate the contribution
of Ilyenkov in dialogue with traditions of classical European philosophy, and
Western and Soviet Marxism, and in his importance to contemporary issues in
philosophy and other disciplines. A deep analysis of Ilyenkov’s dense and often
complex text is also given. By doing so the authors highlight the immense
contribution of Ilyenkov to contemporary thought.
His [Ilyenkov's] Marxian re-readings of Spinoza, for
example, are often unlike re-readings by many Western Marxists. Unlike them,
Ilyenkov does not seek Spinoza as an alternative or antidote to Hegel but
attempts to re-read Marx through both Hegel and Spinoza. [Note 3 Some fine
points on the differences of Ilyenkov’s Spinoza from the Spinoza rediscovered
by Western Marxists are given in Maidansky 2013, pp. 537–49.]
● Andrey Maidansky, “The Ilyenkov Triangle: Marxism in
Search of its Philosophical Roots.” In: Stoics,
Vol 5, No. 2 [2017]; cf. researchgate.net/ PDF op academia.edu
● Corinna Lotz & Penny Cole, Spinoza, Ilyenkov and
Western Marxism – meeting the challenges of the global crisis. Tijdens SPINOZA
IN SOVIET THOUGHT: An International Symposium at the Aleksanteri Institute,
University of Helsinki, 18-19 May 2012 [PDF]
● Corinna Lotz, Finding
Evald Ilyenkov. How a Soviet Philosopher Who Stood Up for Dialectics
Continues to Inspire. London: Lupus Books, April 2019, 64 pages [Cf.
en cf. academia.edu, waarheen het niet is geüpload; het wordt er alleen
Review door Dom Taylor op marxandphilosophy.org overgenomen op mronline.org cf. ook ilyenkovfriends.org en realdemocracymovement.org
Review door Dom Taylor op marxandphilosophy.org overgenomen op mronline.org cf. ook ilyenkovfriends.org en realdemocracymovement.org
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