dinsdag 30 juli 2019

Vincent Legeay, #Spinoza en Darwin: een echt conceptueel erfgoed?

Al meermalen heb ik in dit blog de vergelijking tussen Spinoza en Darwin aan de orde gehad [type daarvoor desgewenst 'Darwin' in het zoekvenster]. Zojuist ontdek ik dat bijna een jaar geleden het volgende in het Frans geschreven artikel verscheen dat als PDF beschikbaar is. Ik wil het hier bewaren en haal er het Engelse abstract uit:

Vincent Legeay, "Spinoza et Darwin, un héritage véritablement conceptuel?" In: Philosophiques, Volume 45, numéro 2, automne 2018, pp. 445–459 [PDF]

Abstract:   A mere succession of notions through time is ineffective in order to show a real and deep theoretical relationship between two authors of two different times. This article is designed to provide a strong evidence of a conceptual inheritance from Spinoza to Darwin. It starts with a comparison between different declarations of a contemporary author who have lately made a similar attempt, and follows by a forward analysis of Darwin’s own views and declarations concerning his using of several notions close to those of Spinoza. It is therefore advocated that it is mainly the concept of difference that ensures an authentic inheritance of a conceptual scheme between the dutch and english thinkers. After proving that Darwin is accurately aware of that historical theoretical framework, the analysis will eventually consider that the naturalist left aside one of Spinoza’s biological outbreaks concerning the notion of the individual superiority (what Spinoza used to call “praestantia ”).

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