woensdag 10 oktober 2018

MA-2013-thesis van Oliver Istvan Toth over de eerste kensoort bij #Spinoza

In vervolg op vorige blogs over theses, geef ik hier tevens nog de link door naar een MA-thesis van de Hongaar [cf. zijn CV op academia.edu]

Oliver Istvan Toth, Imagination and Error in Spinoza’s Ethics. MA-thesis in Philosophy, Central European University, Budapest, 2013 [PDF]
Abstract: “Spinoza's first kind of knowledge — called imagination — in the Ethics is the only source of error and at the same time the only source of knowledge about external objects, our body and our mind. In my thesis I explore the source of error in Spinoza's theory of knowledge. I argue that Don Garrett Margaret Wilson and Edwin Curley present a Cartesian interpretation of the source of error, and they try locate the source of error in the relationship of the idea and its object. Instead I claim — developing Wilsons' interpretation — the source of error is that inadequate ideas involve but do not explicate their constituent parts. I use Michael Della Rocca's distinction of eternal and finite things according to which adequate ideas inhere fully in something. while inadequate ideas are only partially inhering in any series of finite modes. I argue that Della Rocca's notion of partial inherence is wrong, since according to the definition of the singular thing there is always a finite mode in which the effect can fully inhere and therefore the real distinction is between the aspect of the finite idea which is adequate — and therefore fully existing, fully inhering and fully intelligible — and between the aspect of the finite idea which is inadequate — and therefore a non-existent. not inhering, irrational phenomenal state. I analyze Della Rocca's distinction of "standard" and -non-standard- falsity. and argue that "standard" falsity. as well as the falsity of universal notions is reducible to -non-standard- falsity.

Ziet er gedegen uit. Na een thesis over de eerste kensoort, publiceerde hij ook over de tweede kensoort:

Olivér István Tóth, “A Fresh Look at the Role of the Second Kind of Knowledge in Spinoza’s Ethics,” in: in: Hungarian Philosophical Review / Magyar Filozófiai Szemle / Revue Philosophique de la Hongrie, The Journal of the Philosophical Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, VOL. 61. (2017/2) Special: Tamás Pavlovits (Ed.) Philosophy and Science: Unity and Plurality in the Early Modern Age, p. 37 – 56 [PDF]

We zullen Oliver Istvan Toth nog vaker tegenkomen in blogs, waarmee ik binnenkort zal komen.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Helaas leidt de URL achter de "PDF"-link bij 'Oliver Istvan Toth, Imagination and Error in Spinoza’s Ethics. MA-thesis in Philosophy, Central European University, Budapest, 2013'naar diens C.V. Ik kan van daaruit de thesis niet downloaden. Heb je een directere URL?

  2. Sorry, Phil, ik het de link intussen verbeterd.
    Nog een tip: als eenmaal auteur en titel bekend zijn, kun je deze Google ingeven en die geeft dan tussen de hits ook de link naar het PDF, als dat op internet staat.

  3. Beter zo en bedankt, ook voor de extra tip.
