Maar goed dat hij in zijn review niet de aanvankelijk door de uitgever foutief verspreide titel met foute volgorde van Necessity and Nature gebruikte. Met die foute titel kondigde Melamed het echter wel aan op academia.edu!
Hier neem ik Melamed's openingsalinea over, waarna hij gedetailleerd de delen en hoofdstukken bespreekt:
The publication of Garrett’s Nature and Necessity in Spinoza’s Philosophy is a major event in the study of modern philosophy and Spinoza in particular. The book collects most of Garrett’s articles on Spinoza which appeared between 1979 and 2017. During these four decades the study of Spinoza in the Anglo-American world has undergone a dramatic transformation, as the previously disreputable and poorly understood metaphysician has acquired preeminence and wide respect as a highly original, systematic, and audacious thinker. Currently, the study of Spinoza appears to be the most thriving and innovative of subfield within the wider discipline of the history of philosophy. Garrett deserves a significant part of the credit for this present state of affairs, due both to his outstanding scholarship and to his influential mentorship and support of younger scholars.
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