Hier volgt
een opsomming van boeken, hoofdstukken en artikelen die “Hegel over Spinoza”
(mede) tot onderwerp hebben. Een aantal is al in eerdere blogs aan de orde geweest;
daar verwijs ik dan naar.
De volgorde
is relatief toevallig – er zit geen strak systeem in – het is zoals ik het bij
speuracties via Google tegenkwam. Een beetje heb ik chronologische volgorde
nagestreefd, maar ook titels bij elkaar geplaatst waar dat mij passend leek.
Uiteraard heb ik gespeurd in de Duitse Spinoza Bibliografie, maar ik had
meerdere ingangen bij mijn speurwerk.
Eén ding is
duidelijk: het onderwerp is zeer vaak aan de orde geweest.
Ik heb
gekeken of ik net als bij de Hegelboeken van Charles Taylor en Frederick Beiser
ook uit het Hegel-Handbuch van Walter
Jaeschke tekst over Spinoza zou kunnen citeren. Spinoza komt wel vaak aan de
orde, maar minder in aaneensluitende teksten. Dat heb ik dus nagelaten.

● Walter Jaeschke, Hegel-Handbuch:
Leben - Werk - Schule. Stuttgart etc.: Metzler, 2003. - XIV, 585 pp.
● Wilhelm Wundt, The ethics of
Spinoza, Leibniz, and Hegel. In: Wayne I. Boucher (ed.), Spinoza: 18th and 19th Century Discussions. Vol. 6: 1888-1900.
Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1999, pp. 234-240.
● Katherine E. Gilbert, Hegel's
Criticisms of Spinoza. In: Philosophical
Essays in Honor of James Edwin Creighton by former students in the sage school
of philosophy of Cornell University. New York: Macmillan, 1917, pp. 26-41.
● Anna Forbes Liddell, The Logical Relationship of the
Philosophy of Hegel to the Philosophies of Spinoza and Kant. Chapel
Hill: Univ. of North Carolina [diss.], 1924. [ cf. blog van 04-09-2016]
● Leon Roth, Spinoza in Recent English
Thought. In: Mind 36, 142 (1927), 205-210 [Commentaar Duitse Spinoza Bibliografie: Das Interesse an Spinoza ist
durch die Hinwendung englischer Denker zum Deutschen Idealismus, besonders zu
Hegel, in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bewirkt worden.]
● Kiyoshi Miki, Supinoza to Hēgeru
[Spinoza and Hegel]. Kokusai Hēgeru renmei Nihonban [Internationaler Hegelbund.
Japanese section] Tōkyō: Iwanami-Shoten, 1932. - 310 pp.
● G. H. van Senden, Spinoza en Hegel.
In: Het kouter 1, #11 (1936), pp.
453-473 [te lezen
op DBNL]
● Johan Herman Carp, Spinozistische en
Hegelsche beschouwingswijze. In: Feestbundel:
Aangeboden aan Dr. J.D. Bierens de Haan door Vrienden, Vereerders en Leerlingen
ter gelegenheid van zijn 70sten verjaardag ,14 october 1936. Assen: Van
Gorcum & Comp., 1936: 49-63.
● Ion Petrovici, Evocari de mari filosofi: Descartes, Spinoza, Hegel, Schopenhauer,
Comte, Spengler. Bucuresti: Libreria 'Universal', [ca. 1937] - 164 pp.
● C. Sypkens Kylstra, Hegel en Spinoza. In: Idee 19 (1941), 236-246
● Thomas Harting, Hegel und die
spinozistische Substanz. In: Philosophisches
Jahrbuch 75 (1967-1968), 416-419
● Laurence Foss, Hegel, Spinoza, and
the theory of experience as closed. In: The
Thomist 35, 3 (1971), pp. 435-446
● Efraim Shmueli, Hegel's
interpretation of Spinoza's concept of substance. In: International Journal of the Philosophy of Religion 1 (1970),
176-191 [PDF op BookSC
en nog eens op Booksc]
● Efraim Shmueli, Some Similarities
between Spinoza and Hegel on Substance. In: The
Thomist 36 (1972), 645-657
Beide artikelen opgenomen in
● Efraim Shmueli, Crossroads of modern thought: Studies in Spinoza, Hegel, Marx, Husserl and Mannheim. Tel Aviv: Eked, 1984.
Beide artikelen opgenomen in
● Efraim Shmueli, Crossroads of modern thought: Studies in Spinoza, Hegel, Marx, Husserl and Mannheim. Tel Aviv: Eked, 1984.
● M. Gysens-Gosselin, Hegel
en Spinoza. Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, #XXVII. Leiden: E.J.
Brill, 1971 - 11 pagina's [stelt weinig voor]
● Andries Sarlemijn, Spinoza and Double Negation. In:
Andries Sarlemijn, Hegel's Dialectic
[Sovietica, #33], 1975, pp. 121-124.
Abstract: Hegel regards Spinoza as the most important rationalist. In confrontation with the philosopher from Amsterdam, Hegel’s methodology of self-movement and his criticism of the metaphysics of the understanding find especially lucid expression. [cf. Springer]
Abstract: Hegel regards Spinoza as the most important rationalist. In confrontation with the philosopher from Amsterdam, Hegel’s methodology of self-movement and his criticism of the metaphysics of the understanding find especially lucid expression. [cf. Springer]
● Eugenio Fernández García, Hegel ante
Spinoza: un reto. In: Anales del
Seminario de Metafisica 16 (1981), pp. 31-88
● Hans-Christian Lucas, Spinoza
in Hegels Logik. Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, #XLV. Leiden: E.J.
Brill, 1982 – books.google.
Oorspr. Hans-Christian Lucas, Spinoza en la Logica de Hegel.
In: Estudios sobre Hegel y Kant / [Selección de textos] Cirilo Flórez y
Mariano Álvarez. - Salamanca: Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación D.L.
[Universidad de Salamanca], 1982: 203-225.
● Hans-Christian Lucas, Hegel et
l'édition de Spinoza par Paulus. In: Cahiers
Spinoza, Numéro 4; Hiver 1982-83. Paris: Éditions Réplique, 1983: 127-138.
● Hermann Braun, Spinozismus in Hegels
Wissenschaft der Logik. In: Hegel-Studien
17 (1982), pp. 53-74
● Charles Taylor, Hegel. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977), [cf. blog met citaten over Spinoza] .
● Frederick Beiser, Hegel.
Routledge [The Routledge Philosophers], 2005 - 364 pagina's – books.google; over Spinoza hier op books.google – PDF op BookSC - cf. blog met citaten over Spinoza].
● Frederick Beiser (ed), The
Cambridge Companion to Hegel and Nineteenth-Century Philosophy. Cambridge
Companions to Philosophy, CUP, 2008 - 444 pages. [PDF op BookSC]
● Thomas Härtling, Hegel und die spinozistische Substanz: Zur Kritik einer theologischen Präokkupation. In: Philosophisches Jahrbuch 75 (1967-1968), pp. 416-419
● Thomas Härtling, Hegel und die spinozistische Substanz: Zur Kritik einer theologischen Präokkupation. In: Philosophisches Jahrbuch 75 (1967-1968), pp. 416-419
● Franco Biasutti, Lo spinozismo in Hegel: l'assoluto e
l'individuale. In: Verifiche 2 (1973), 19-42 [Italiaans]
● Wim N. A. Klever, Dialektiek contra Axiomatiek. Een confrontatie
tussen Spinoza en Hegel onder methodologisch opzicht. [Mededelingen vanwege het
Spinozahuis, #33]. Leiden: Brill, 1974 - 18 pp.
● Wim N. A. Klever, Spinoza en Hegel: continuiteit en
discontinuiteit. In: Handelingen van het
Nederlands filosofisch genootschap 15 (1983), 2-16
● Patricia Ann Rensma, Eros and
wholeness in the thought of Spinoza and Hegel. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation Pennsylvania State University. Philadelphia, 1970. 140 pp.
● Nathan Rotenstreich, From
Substance to Subject: Studies in Hegel. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1974. - X (I),
132 pp. [Behandeling Spinoza: Hegel placed against Kant and Spinoza: 43-55]
● Jacques D'Hondt, Hegel et Spinoza. In: Revue de synthèse 99 (1978), 207-219
A. Reix, Recension de Pierre Macherey, Hegel ou Spinoza. In: Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger 104 (1979), 255
A. Reix, Recension de Pierre Macherey, Hegel ou Spinoza. In: Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger 104 (1979), 255
Robert Sasso, review of Macherey,
Pierre: Hegel ou Spinoza. In: Les études
philosophiques, 1981, pp. 106-108.
Dominique Lecourt, Recension de Pierre
Macherey, Hegel ou Spinoza. In: Bulletin
de bibliographie spinoziste 2 (1981), pp. 18-19
Pierre Garniron, review of Pierre
Macherey, Hegel ou Spinoza. In: Hegel-Studien
16 (1981), pp. 276-279
Robert Hébert, Recension de Pierre
Macherey, Hegel ou Spinoza.In: Dialogue
21 (maart 1982), pp. 171-173 [PDF op BookSC]
Denise Souche-Dagues, Spinoza et
Hegel: Réflexions sur un livre récent. In: Les
études philosophiques 1 (1983), 87-100
Stanislas Breton, Hegel ou Spinoza:
Réflexion sur l'enjeu d'une alternative. In: Cahiers Spinoza: Numéro 4; Hiver 1982-83. Paris: Éditions Réplique,
1982-1983, pp. 61-87.
André Doz, Spinoza lecteur de Hegel?:
A propos d'un ouvrage de P. Macherey. In: Revue
de Métaphysique et de Morale 89 (1984), 99-122
Fethi Tirik, Recension de Pierre
Macherey, Hegel aw Spinoza. In: Revue
Tunisienne de Études Philosopiques 1 (1984), 174-176
George L. Kline, Pierre Macherey's
'Hegel ou Spinoza'. In: Curley, Edwin & Moreau, Pierre-François (EDS.), Spinoza: Issues and Directions: The
Proceedings of the Chicago Spinoza Conference (1986: Chicago, Ill.). Leiden:
Brill [Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, #14, 1990, pp. 373-380.
Jan van Helmst, Omnis determinatio
negatio est?: Hegels lezing van Spinoza polemisch getoetst door Pierre
Macherey. In: Algemeen Nederlands
tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte 77 (1985), 222-234
● Pierre Macherey, Hegel or Spinoza. Transl. by Susan M.
Ruddick. University of Minnesota Press, 2011 [cf. blog]
Pierre Macherey, Hegel reads Spinoza. In: Environment
and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 29, 2011 [Voorpublicatie uit bovenstaand
boek; PDF op BookSC]
● Pierre Macherey, Hegel oder Spinoza. Aus dem
Französischen von Jan Philipp Weise und Julien Veh. Wien: Turia & Kant, 1
sept. 2019 [cf. blog]
● Pierre Macherey, Le Spinoza
idéaliste de Hegel. In: Pierre Macherey, Avec
Spinoza. Études sur la doctrine et l'histoire du spinozisme. Paris: Pr.
Univ. de France [PUF], 1992, pp. 187-197. Ook in:
● Pierre
Macherey, Hegels idealistischer Spinoza [Vertaald naast Le Spinoza idéaliste de
Hegel]. In: Manfred Walther (Hrsg.), Spinoza
und der deutsche Idealismus. Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann
[Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft, #1, 1992, pp. 146-162 Du.(145-161 Fr.)
● Kenneth L. Schmitz, Hegel's
assessment of Spinoza. In: Richard Kennington (ed.), The philosophy of Baruch Spinoza. Washington: The Catholic
University of America Press [Studies in Philosophy and the History of
Philosophy, #7], 1980, pp. 229-243
● Eugenio Fernández García, Hegel ante
Spinoza: Un reto. In: Separata de Anales
del Seminario de Metafísica 16 (1981), 31-88 [Spaans]
● Erhard Albrecht, Der Spinozismus im
Urteil Hegels und unserer Zeit. In: Kurt Müller c.s. (Hrsg.), Theoria cum praxi: Zum Verhältnis von
Theorie und Praxis im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert: Akten des III. Internationalen
Leibnizkongresses, Hannover, 12. bis 17. November 1977 : Bd. 2: Spinoza.
Wiesbaden: Steiner [Studia Leibnitiana: Supplementa, #20], 1981, pp. 123-129.
● Leo Lugarini, Fonti spinoziane della
dialettica di Hegel. In: Revue
internationale de Philosophie 36 (1982), pp. 21-36
● Jean-Pierre Lefèbvre, Heine, Hegel
et Spinoza. In: Cahiers Spinoza 4
(1983), pp. 211-229
● Biagio De Giovanni, Spinoza e Hegel:
L'oggettivismo di Antonio Labriola. In: Centauro
9 (1983), 26-47
● Errol Eustace Harris, The concept of
substance in Spinoza and Hegel. In: Emilia Giancotti (cura), Spinoza nel 350° anniversario della nascita
= Proceedings of the first Italian international congress on Spinoza: Atti del
Congresso (Urbino 4-8 ottobre 1982). Napoli: Bibliopolis [Saggi Bibliopolis,
#19], 1985, pp. 51-70.
● Walther Christoph Zimmerli, Der
absolute Grundsatz (Fichte, Spinoza). In: Hegel-Studien
12 (1986), 137-155
● Oingrong Zhang, Spinoza de
bianzhengfa yu Hei-ge-er de bianzhengfa de guanxi [Spinozas & Hegels
Dialektik]. In: Duju xuekan 4 (1990),
27-31 [Chinees]
● Leslie Armour, Being and Idea: Developments of some themes in Spinoza and Hegel. Hildesheim
[e.a.]: Olms [Philosophische Texte und Studien, #26], 1992. - XXII, 185 pp. 1994 [PDFop BookSC]
● Review
van Vance Maxwell, Making God Go Away and Leave Us Alone: A Critical Note in
Leslie Armour's Spinozist 'Being and Idea'. In : Dialogue 35, 4 (1996),
805-820 [PDF op BooSC]
● Israel Eisenstein, Constantin
Brunners Philosophie in ihrem Verhältnis zu Spinoza, Kant und Hegel. Band 2
Brunner im Gespräch: Schriftenreihe des
Internationaal-Constantin-Brunner-Instituut Den Haag und der Constantin-Brunner-Stiftung Hamburg.
Essen: Die blaue Eule, 1995, - 227 pp.
● V. Hösle, Hegel und Spinoza. In: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 59ste
Jaarg., Nr. 1 (maart 1997), pp. 69-88 [PDF op BookSC]
● Vittorio Hösle, Hegels System: Der Idealismus der Subjektivität und das Problem der
Intersubjektivität. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftl. Buchgesellschaft / Hamburg: F.
Meiner, 1998. Anhang. Hegel und Spinoza: 685-700
● Laura Mary Byrne, Hegel's Critique
of Spinoza's Concept of Substance. [Toronta, Univ., Diss., 1988]. Toronto,
● Klaus Düsing, Von der Substanz zum
Subjekt: Hegels spekulative Spinoza-Deutung. In: Manfred Walther (Hrsg.), Spinoza und der deutsche Idealismus.
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft, Artola:
#1], 1992, pp. 163-180.
● Artola Barrenechea, La crítica
hegeliana a la filosofía de Spinoza. In:
Anales del Seminario de Metafísica 1 (1992), 635-656
● Felicitas Englisch, Protokoll der
Diskussion "Hegel und Spinoza": Hegels spekulative Spinoza-Deutung.
In: Manfred Walther (Hrsg.), Spinoza und
der deutsche Idealismus. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann
[Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft, #1], 1992, pp. 181-197
● Felicitas Englisch, Zu Religion und
Staat bei Spinoza und Hegel : Mit einem Ausblick auf Ökonomie. In: Felicitas
Englisch, Manfred Lauermann & Maria-Brigitta Schröder (Hrsg.), Randfiguren: Spinoza-Inspirationen;
Festgabe für Manfred Walther. Hannover-Laatzen: Wehrhahn, 2005, pp. 211-247.
● Yutaka Sasazawa, Hegeru to gensou no
Supinoza [Hegel and his illusionary Spinoza]. In: Gendai Shiso [La revue de la pensée d'aujourd'hui] 21.8 (1993)
● Yoshitomo Takeuchi, Hegel and
Nishida on Spinoza. In: Shiso 764 (1988), 4-23 [Japans]
● María del Rosario Zurro Rodríguez,
Spinoza en Hegel: La mediación de Jacobi. In: Cuadernos del Seminario Spinoza 16 (2004), 1-21
● Mariana de Gainza, Espinosa versus
Hegel: Motivos de uma confrontação. In: Cadernos
espinosanos XIII (2005), 9-23
● Peggy Cosmann, Der Einfluß Friedrich
Christoph Oetingers auf Hegels Abrechnung mit Spinoza: Die Selbstbewegung des
Absoluten versus bestimmungslose und unlebendige Substantialität. In: Zeitschrift für Religions- und
Geistesgeschichte. Sonderdruck. 50, 2 (1998), pp. 115-136 [PDF op BookSC]
● Jörg Dierken, Kontingenz bei
Spinoza, Hegel und Troeltsch: ein Umformungsfaktor im Verhältnis von Gott, Welt
und Mensch. In: Ingolf U. Dahlfert (Hrsg.), Vernunft,
Kontingenz und Gott: Konstellationen eines offenen Problems. Tübingen:
Mohr, 2000, pp. 213-232.
● Dieter Henrich, Jacobi and the
'Spinozism of Freedom'. In: Dieter Henrich, Between
Kant and Hegel. Lectures on German Idealism. Edited by David S. Pacini.
Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 2003: 85-112. [books.google]
● Merold Westphal, Hegel Between
Spinoza and Derrida. In: David A. Duquette (ed.), Hegel's History of Philosophy: New Interpretations. Albany: State
University of New York Press [SUNY Series in Hegelian Studies], 2003, pp.
● Jørgen Huggler, To anmærkninger om
Spinoza fra G. W. Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik. In: Slagmark: tidsskrift for
idéhistorie [Special Spinoza; ed. Mogens Lærke; Aarhus: 2004. - 190 pp.], 39
(2004), pp. 43-57
● Simon Duffy, The logic of expression: quality, quantity and intensity in
Spinoza, Hegel and Deleuze. Aldershot: Ashgate [New Critical Thinking in
Philosophy], 2006. - X, 284 pp.
● T. L. S. Sprigge, The God of Metaphysics: Being a study of
the metaphysics and religious doctrines of Spinoza, Hegel, Kierkegaard, T. H. Green,
Bernard Bosanquet, Josiah Royce, A. N. Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne, and
concluding remarks with a defence an panteistic idealism. Oxford: Clarendon,
2006. XIX + 576 pp.
● Wolfgang Bartuschat, Hegels neue
Metaphysik. In: Metaphysik im deutschen
Idealismus = Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus 5
(2007), pp. 211-234
● Wolfgang Bartuschat, Nur hinein,
nicht heraus: Hegel über Spinoza. In: Dietmar H. Heidemann & Christian
Krijnen (Hrsg.), Hegel und die Geschichte
der Philosophie. Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchges., 2007, 101-115. Ook opgenomen in
● Wolfgang
Bartuschat, Spinozas Philosophie: Über
den Zusammenhang von Metaphysik und Ethik. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag,
2017, p. 404 [cf. blog]
● José M. Sánchez Fernández, Spinoza y
Hegel: un reencuentro en el absoluto: Una lectura hegeliana de Spinoza. In:
Julián Carvajal & María Luisa de la Cámara (eds.), Spinoza: de la física a
la historia. Cuenca: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La
Mancha [Estudios, #117], 2008, pp. 501-511.
● Monserrat Galcerán Huguet, Spinoza y
Hegel o la metafísica de la libertad frente a la potencia del libre
pensamiento. In: Monserrat Galcerán Huguet & Mario Espinoza Pin, (eds.), Spinoza contemporáneo. Madrid:
Tierradenadie Ediciones, 2008, pp. 245-266.
● Hans-Jürgen Gawoll, Hegel - Jacobi -
Obereit. In Helmut Schneider (Hrsg.), Konstellationen im deutschen Idealismus;
mit Texten Jakob Hermann Obereits im Anhang. Frankfurt, M./etc.: Peter Lang
[Hegeliana, #21], 2008. - 150 pp.
● Brekelmans, F.H.J.G., & Bink, E.F.R., Beeld en evenbeeld_Een uiteenzetting van Hollaks begrip van Hegels filosofie en diens metafysische gevolgtrekkingen uit dat begrip. [dissertatie], 2013 [meer info in dit blog]
● Robert Stern, Hegelianism vs. Spinozism? A. W. Moore on Hegel. In: Philosophical Topics, Vol. 43, No. 1/2, The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics:Responses to A. W. Moore with His Replies (SPRING/FALL 2015), pp. 97-112
● Robert Stern, Hegelianism vs. Spinozism? A. W. Moore on Hegel. In: Philosophical Topics, Vol. 43, No. 1/2, The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics:Responses to A. W. Moore with His Replies (SPRING/FALL 2015), pp. 97-112
● Henry Alonzo Myers, Systematic
Pluralism in Spinoza and Hegel. In: The Monist,
Vol. 45, No. 2 (July, 1935), pp. 237-263
● Henry Alonzo Myers, The Spinoza-Hegel Paradox: A study of
the choice between traditional idealism and systematic pluralism. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University Press, 1944. Pp. xii+91. Reprint New York: B. Franklin, 1974
● J. B. McMinn, A Critique on Hegel’s
Criticism of Spinoza’s God. In: Kant
Studien 51, 1959/1960, 294-314. [Cf. blog] [PDF op BookSC]
● Eugène J. Fleischmann, Die
Wirklichkeit in Hegels Logik. Ideengechichtliche Beziehungen zu Spinoza. In: Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung,
Bd. 18, H. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1964), pp. 3-29
● G. H. R. Parkinson, “Hegel,
Pantheism, and Spinoza,” in: Journal of
the History of Ideas 38:3, July-September 1977, pages 449-459. [PDF op BookSC]
● Béatrice Longuenesse, Hegel et la critique de la métaphysique:
Étude sur la doctrine de l'essence. Paris: Vrin [Bibliothèque de l'histoire
de la philosophie], 1981. - 217 pp. [Hegel n'est pas spinoziste: 188-204]
● Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Heine, Hegel
et Spinoza. In: Cahiers Spinoza, Numéro
4; Hiver 1982-83. Paris: Éditions Réplique, 1983, pp. 211-229.
● Shlomo Pines, spinoza's conception
of human freedom and of good and evil: On Hegel's Critique of Spinoza. In:
Nathan Rotenstreich & Norma Schneider (EDS.), Spinoza - His thought and work: entretiens in Jerusalem [The Israel
Academy of Science and Humanities], 6 - 9 sept. 1977; [comm. the 300. anniv. of
Spinoza's death]. Jerusalem, 1983: 147-159
● Vesa Oittinen, Hegel, Spinoza ja
Mefisto. In: Jyväskylän yliopiston
filosofian laitoksen julkaisuja 33 (1986), pp. 77-93
● Markku Hongisto & Vesa Oittinen,
"Potentia hominis": Spinoza, Hegel, Marx über das menschliche Wesen.
In: Hans Heinz Holz (Hrsg.), Annalen der
Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektische Philosophie, Societas
Hegeliana, Teil 3. 1986, pp. 170-17
● Carsten Schlüter, Bestimmtheit - Zur
Kritik der Hegelschen Spinozakritik. In: Ders.: Adornos Kritik der apologetischen Vernunft, Bd. 2 [von 2]-
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann [Epistemata: Würzburger wissenschaftliche
Schriften, Reihe Philosophie, #46], 1988, pp. 409-414. [oorspr.: Kiel, Univ.,
Diss., 1985]
● Paola de Cuzzani, Spinoza et les
spinozismes: De Oldenbourg à Hegel; l'histoire d'une répudiation. In: Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie
Religieuses 71 (1991), pp. 349-364
● Wolfgang Röd, Der Gott der reinen Vernunft: Die Auseinandersetzung um den
ontologischen Gottesbeweis von Anselm bis Hegel. München: Beck, 1992. - 239
● Vittorio Morfino, Substantia sive Organismus: Immagine e
funzione teorica di Spinoza negli scritti jenesi di Hegel; prefazione di
Fulvio Papi. Napoli: Guerini [Hegeliana, #17], 1997. - 175 pp.
● Vittorio Morfino, "Causa
sui" o "Wechselwirkung": Engels tra Spinoza e Hegel. In: Mario
Cingoli (cur.), Friedrich Engels
cent'anni dopo: ipotesi per un bilancio critico; [atti del Convegno
internazionale di studi Milano 16-18 novembre 1995]. Milano: Teti [Studi e
documenti], 1998, pp. 120-147.
● Vittorio Morfino, "Ordo et
connexio": Di Hegel traduttore di Spinoza. In: Mario Cingoli [cif.),
L'esordio pubblico di Hegel: per il bicentennario della Differenzschrift; atti
del Conv egno internazionale, Università di Milano-Bicocca, 26-28 novembre
2001. Milano etc.: Guerini [Hegeliana, #39], 2004, pp. 217-225.
● Martin Bondeli, Spinozanische und
anti-spinozanische Denkfiguren in Hegels philosophischer Entwicklung bis 1800.
In: Eva Schürmann, Norbert Waszek & Frank Weinreich (Hrsg.), Spinoza im Deutschland des 18. Jahrhunderts:
Zur Erinnerung an Hans-Christian Lucas. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt:
Frommann-Holzboog [Spekulation und Erfahrung: Abt. 2,
Untersuchungen, #44], 2002, pp. 503-531
● Vesa Oittinen, Hegel und Spinoza in
'Glauben und Wissen'. In: Andreas Arndt c.s. (Hrsg.), Glauben und Wissen Dritter Teil [auf dem 24. Internationalen
Hegel-Kongreß 2002 in Jena gehaltene Vorträge]. Berlin: Akademie-Verl.
[Hegel-Jahrbuch, 2005], 2005, pp. 132-139.
● Vittorio Morfino, Spinoza in
'Glauben und Wissen'. In: Andreas Arndt c.s. (Hrsg.), Glauben und Wissen Dritter Teil [auf dem 24. Internationalen
Hegel-Kongreß 2002 in Jena gehaltene Vorträge]. Berlin: Akademie-Verl.
[Hegel-Jahrbuch, 2005], 2005, pp. 140-144.
● J. M. Fritzman and Brianne Riley, Not
Only Sub Specie Aeternitatis, but Equally Sub Specie Durationis: A Defense of
Hegel's Criticisms of Spinoza's Philosophy. The
Pluralist 4:3, Fall 2009, pages 76-97; [PDF op Academia.edu ook op BookSC]
There have been several major challenges to Hegel’s criticisms of Spinoza’s
philosophy. Thus far, no effective
response has been made to those challenges.
This article defends Hegel’s criticisms of Spinoza’s philosophy, and it
argues that the challenges to his criticisms fail.
De auteurs bespreken
kritisch de hiervoor vermelde publicaties van Henry Alonzo Myers, J. B. McMinn
en G. H. R. Parkinson.
● Yirmiyahu Yovel, Substance without
Spirit: On Hegel’s Critique of Spinoza. In: Nathan Rotenstreich & Norma
Schneider (eds.), Spinoza: His Thought
and Work. Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1983, pp.
● Yirmiyahu Yovel, God's Transcendence
and Its Schematization: Maimonides in Light of the Spinoza-Hegel Dispute. In:
Shlomo Pines & Yirmiyahu Yovel (eds.), Maimonides
and Philosophy: Papers presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical
Encounter. Dordrecht: Nijhoff [Archives internationales d'histoire des idées,
#114], 1986, pp. 269-282.
● Yimiyahu Yovel, Spinoza and Other Heretics. Vol. 1: The Marrano of Reason. Vol 2: The
Adventures of Immanence. Vol 2 heeft uitgebreid hoofdstuk over Hegel.
● Yirmiyahu Yovel, The Dark Riddle: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the
Jews. Cambridge: Pennsylvania State Univ. Pr, 1998, - 235 pp. [oorspr.
Hebreeuws, 1996]
● Micha Brumlik, Der Kronzeuge -
Hegels Maimonides zwischen Philo und Spinoza. In: Görge K. Hasselhoff cs.
(eds.), Moses Maimonides (1138-1204). His
religious, scientific and philosophical Wirkungsgeschichte in different
cultural contexts. Ergon [Ex oriente lux, #4], 2004, pp. 385-395.
● Jukka Laari, Hegel and Nietzsche on Spinoza. In: Vesa Oittinen (ed.), Spinoza
in Nordic Countries = Spinoza im Norden. Helsinki: Univ. of Helsinki / Dep. of
Philosophy; Dep. of Social and Moral Philosophy [Philosophical Studies from the
University of Helsinki, #5], 2004, pp. 217-236.
● Amihud Gilead, The problem of
immediate evidence : The case of Hegel and Spinoza. In: Hegel-Studien, Vol. 20 (1985), pp. 145-162
● André Doz, La logique de Hegel et les problèmes traditionels de l'ontologie.
[Poitiers, Univ., Diss., 1986]. Paris: Vrin, 1987, - 325 pp.
● Horst Folkers, Spinozarezeption bei
Jacobi und ihre Nachfolge beim frühen Schelling und beim Jenenser Hegel. In: Philosophisches Jahrbuch. Sonderdruck
105, 2 (1998), 381-397
● Henryk Pisarek, Spinozas Konzeption
von 'Systemhaftigkeit' im Blick auf Hegel. In: Hegel-Jahrbuch 1998, pp. 38-43.
● Andreas Graeser, Studien zu Spinoza, Herder, Hölderlin und
Hegel. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verl., 1999. - 135 pp.
● Junji Kanda, Hegel oder Herder: der
dynamisierte Spinozismus im Frühwerk von Moses Heß. In: Herder-Studien 5 (1999), pp.
● Jeffrey Edwards, Spinozism, Freedom,
and Transcendental Dynamics in Kant’s Final System of Transcendental Idealism.
In: Sally Sedgwick (ed.), The reception
of Kant's critical philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel: [Conference
"The Idea of a System of Transcendental Idealism in Kant, Fichte,
Schelling, and Hegel" at Dartmouth College; (Hanover, NH): 1995.08.].
Cambridge etc.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000: pp. 54-77.
● Gunnar Hindrichs, Spinozismus, Antispinozismus und die
Entstehung der Hegelschen Dialektik. Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu
Wroclawskiego, 2001
● Angelica Nuzzo, Spinozas 'Amor Dei
intellectualis' und Hegels methodologische Umdeutung des Liebesbegriffs. In:
Achim Engstler & Robert Schnepf (Hrsg.), Affekte und Ethik: Spinozas Lehre im Kontext. Hildesheim: Olms
[Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte der Philosophie, #62], 2002, pp.
● Helmut Holzhey, Die Entzauberung des
Pantheismus: Cohens Kritik an Hegels und Schellings Metaphysik. In: Detlev
Pätzold (Hrsg.), Der Neukantianismus und
das Erbe des deutschen Idealismus: die philosophische Methode. Würzburg:
Königshausen & Neumann [Studien und Materialien zum Neukantianismus, #19],
2002, pp. 49-64.
● D. Patelis, Aspects of the Substance
as a logical and methodological notion: From Spinoza to Hegel. In: Utopia 61 (2004), pp. 23-43
● Friedrich Grimmlinger, Spinoza in
Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik. In: Max Gottschlich und Michael Wladicke
(Hrsg.), Dialektische Logik: Hegels
'Wissenschaft der Logik' und ihre realphilosophischen Wirklichkeitsweisen -
Gedenkschrift für Franz Ungler. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2005:
● Ricardo Cattaneo, La exposición del
Absoluto y lo inefable: Hegel y su recepción de Spinoza. In: Spinoza: Segundo coloquio. Córdoba,
Argentina, 2005 [compilado por Diego Tatián]; [organizado por el] Círculo
Spinociano de la Argentina. Buenos Aires: Editorial Altamira [Pensamiento.
Crítica], 2006, pp. 45-53.
● Birden Güngören, Spinoza ve Hegel'de
Özgürlük Düşüncesi [The idea of freedom in Spinoza and Hegel]; Masterthesis
İstanbul, Galatasaray Univ. under the supervision of Cemal Bâli Akal. İstanbul
2004. - 148 pp.
● Birden Güngören, Hegels Auffassung
von Spinoza und der östlichen Philosophie: Eine Parallele. In: Hegel-Jahrbuch 2009. Berlin: Akademie
Verlag, 2009, pp. 114-120.
● Birden Güngören, Die Bedeutung von Hegels Spinoza-Lektüre für
seine Staats- und Rechtstheorie. Hannover Univ., Diss. 2011. Berlin: Logos
Verl., 2011. - X + 185 pp.
● Francesca Michelini, Hegel
"spinozista conseguente"? In: Giornale
di Metafisica 15, 2 (2003), pp. 271-285
blog van 10-09-2016: Birden Güngören, Turkse Spinoza
scholar aan de Galatasaray Universiteit
● Jerry W. Barmore, Theology and
politics in Maimonides, Spinoza, Hegel, and Nietzsche. Dissertation.
Urbana/Champaign: [Univ. of Illinois], 2004. - VI, 217 pp.
● Heidi Ravven, Hegel's Epistemic Turn
- or Spinoza's? In: Idealistic Studies
33, 2-3 (2004), 195-202
● Heidi Ravven, Hegel and Spinoza on
Moral Agency. APA, Pacific Division, San Francisco, April 2016 [academia.edu]
● Suzanne Brauer, Das
Substanz-Akzidenz-Modell in Hegels Konzeption der Familie. In: Hegel-Studien 39/40 (2005), 41-59
● Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Le dieu
de Spinoza et le dieu de Hegel: la substance et l'esprit. In: Christophe Bouton
(éd.), Dieu et la nature: la question du
panthéisme dans l'idéalisme allemand ; [actes d'un colloque sur le thème:
"Dieu et la nature. La question du Panthéisme dans l'idéalisme
Allemand" en Bordeaux, 2004.01. 29-30]. Hildesheim etc.: Olms [Europaea
memoria : Reihe 1, Studien, #40], 2005, 91-105.
● Mathieu Robitaille, Hegel et le
spinozisme dans les années d'Iena. In: Laval
Théologique et Politique 63, 1 (2007), 21-39
● Gustave Flaubert, 'Document inédit':
Notes de Flaubert sur la philosophie de Hegel et Spinoza (transcription). In: Fiction et philosophie: avec des notes
inédites de Flaubert sur la philosophie de Spinoza et de Hegel; textes
réunis et présentés par Gisèle Séginger. Caen: Lettres Modernes Minard [La
Revue des Lettres Modernes: Série Gustave Flaubert, #6], 2008, pp. 241-253.
● Atsushi Yamazaki, Le Dossier
«Philosophie» de Bouvard et Pécuchet: Hegel et Spinoza [Transcription: Notes de
Flaubert sur la philosophie de Spinoza et de Hegel. In: Fiction et philosophie: avec des notes inedites de Flaubert sur la
philosophie de Spinoza et de Hegel; textes réunis et présentés par Gisèle
Séginger. Caen: Lettres Modernes Minard [La Revue des Lettres Modernes : Série
Gustave Flaubert, #6], 2008, [cf.]
● Ediz Uzun, Le corps chez Spinoza et
l'expérience chez Hegel. Master-thesis (sup. Aliye Kovanlıkaya) Galatasaray Üniversitesi. Istanbul, 2010. -
92 pp.
● Robert E. Wood, The Free Spirit:
Spinoza, Hegel, Nietzsche. In: International
philosophical quarterly 51, 3 (2011), pp. 377-389
● Birgit Sandkaulen, "Ewige
Zeit": Die Ontologie Spinozas in der Diskussion zwischen Jacobi und Hegel.
In: Giuseppe D'Anna & Vittorio Morfino (eds.), Ontologia e temporalità:
Spinoza e i suoi lettori moderni. Milano: Mimesis [Spinoziana, #18], 2012, pp.
● Slavoj Žižek, Less than nothing: Hegel and the shadow of dialectic materialism.
London etc.: Verso, 2012. - X + 1038 pp.
● Hasana Sharp, & Jason E. Smith
(eds.), Between Hegel and Spinoza. A
volume of Critical Essays. London etc.: Bloomsbury, 12-06-2012 [ books.google
– PDF op BookSC en scribd ] – pdf Contents.
Over dit boek bracht ik een apart
blog uit met vermelding van de hoofdstukken [die hier in deze bibliografie dus iet meer opgenomen zijn].
● Takashi Kurihara, Spinoza ni okeru
mugensei to Hegel ni okeru jikokankei [Infinity in Spinoza and Self
relationship in Hegel]. In: Hegeltetsugaku
Kenkyu 18 (2012), pp. 62-76 [Japans]
● Jure Zovko, Hegels Würdigung von
Spinozas Affektenlehre. In: Violetta L. Waibel, unter Mitwirkung von Max
Brinnich und Peter Gaitsch (Hrsg.), Spinoza
- Affektenlehre und amor dei intellectualis: Die Rezeption Spinozas im
Deutschen Idealismus, in der Frühromantik und in der Gegenwart. Hamburg:
Meiner, 2012, pp. 77-88.
● Andreas Arndt, "Enthüllung der
Substanz": Hegels Begriff und Spinozas dritte Erkenntnisart. In: Violetta
L. Waibel, unter Mitwirkung von Max Brinnich und Peter Gaitsch (Hrsg.), Spinoza - Affektenlehre und amor dei
intellectualis: Die Rezeption Spinozas im Deutschen Idealismus, in der
Frühromantik und in der Gegenwart. Hamburg: Meiner, 2012, pp. 231-242.
● Vito Rizzo, Hegel y la substancia de
Spinoza: Un paradójico desencuentro. In: Diego Tatián (comp.), Spinoza: Noveno coloquio. Córdoba:
Brujas, 2013, pp. 413-422.
● Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Acosmism or Weak
Individuals?: Hegel, Spinoza, and the Reality of the Finite. In: Journal of the History of Philosophy,
Vol 48, 2009 [cf. PDF op academia.edu, PDF op BookSC]
● Yitzhak Melamed, "Hegel,
Spinoza and McTaggart on the Reality of Time". In: Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus / International Yearbook
of German Idealism 14:211-234 (2016) [PDF op academia.edu]
● Yitzhak Y. Melamed, "Omnis
determinatio est negatio": Determination, negation, and self-negation in
Spinoza, Kant and Hegel. In: Eckart Förster and Yitzhak Y. Melamed (eds.), Spinoza and German Idealism. Cambridge
etc.: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 175-196. [PDF op academia.edu]
● Dean Thoughts and metaphysics:
Hegel's critical reception of Spinoza. In: Eckart Förster and Yitzhak Y.
Melamed (eds.), Spinoza and German
Idealism. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 197-213.
● Gunnar Hindrichs, Two models of
metaphysical inferentialism : Spinoza and Hegel In: Eckart Förster and Yitzhak
Y. Melamed (eds.), Spinoza and German
Idealism. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 214-231.
● David S. Stern (ed.), Essays on Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective
Spirit. SUNY Press, 2013 [The first English-language collection devoted to
Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit.] [PDF bij BookSC]
● Tom Frenzel, Aggression und Freiheit: eine Relektüre Hegels und Spinozas zu
Grenzfragen der Psychologie. [Potsdam, Univ., Diss., 2014], 2013. - 270 pp.
● Ted Stolze, Hegel or Spinoza:
Substance, Subject, and Critical Marxism. In: Crisis & Critique 1.3, 2014, pp. 355-69. Dit artikel bracht ik
in dit blog.
● Thomas Hanke, Die falsche
Alternative von Naturalismus und Theismus: Zur systematischen Tragweite von
Hegels Reaktion auf Jacobis Spinoza-Briefe. In: Ana Honnacker & Matthias
Ruf (Hrsg.), Gott oder Natur:
Perspektiven nach Spinoza. Münster: LIT [Philosophie aktuell, #12], 2015,
pp. 47-59.
●. Antonios Kalatzis, Gott oder Natur
- oder Geist?: Hegel über Spinoza. In: Ana Honnacker & Matthias Ruf
(Hrsg.), Gott oder Natur: Perspektiven
nach Spinoza. Münster: LIT [Philosophie aktuell, #12], 2015, pp. 61-74. [PDF op Academia.edu. Cf.
hierover blog van 19-10-2016: Hegels
worsteling met Spinoza helder toegelicht]
● James Kreines, Spinoza, Kant and the
Transition to Hegel’s Subjective Logic: Arguing For and Against Philosophical
Systems. In: Hegel Bulletin,
Volume 40 - Special Issue 1 [Science of
Logic] - April 2019- PDF op BookSC
● Robert B. Pippin, Hegel's Idealism. The Satisfaction of
Self-Consciousness. Cambridge University Press, 1989 – [ books.google - PDF op BookSC]. Spinoza
komt er nauwelijks / heel weinig in voor!
● Robert Pippin, Hegel on self-consciousness. Desire and death in The Phenomenology of
Spirit. Princeton
University Press, 2010 (hardcover), 2014 (paperback) - 120 pages –
PDF op BookSC: Pippin's Spinoza Lectures given at the
University of Amsterdam in April and May of 2009. [Spinoza komt er verder niet
in voor]
● Robert B. Pippin, Hegel's Concept of Self-consciousness. [Spinoza Lectures] Uitgeverij Van Gorcum, 2010 - 55 pagina's. [Spinoza komt er niet in voor] – books.google - cf. blog van 01-04-2009
● Robert B. Pippin, Hegel's Concept of Self-consciousness. [Spinoza Lectures] Uitgeverij Van Gorcum, 2010 - 55 pagina's. [Spinoza komt er niet in voor] – books.google - cf. blog van 01-04-2009
● Robert B. Pippin, Hegel's Realm of Shadows: Logic as Metaphysics in the Science of Logic. The University of Chicago Press, 21 december 2018 - 352 pages
Review door Charlotte Baumann in: British Journal of the History of Philosophy, 2019. [Cf. academia.edu] De eerste alinea’s luiden aldus:
With Hegel’s Realm of Shadows the analytic, American interpretation of Hegel has come full circle. After Klaus Hartmann proposed a Kantian and non-metaphysical Hegel in 1972 (‘Hegel: A Non-Metaphysical View’, in A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. A. MacIntyre, New York: Anchor Books, 101–124), it was arguably Rorty’s historicist take on Hegel, along with his demand to ‘change the subject’ away from metaphysical questions, which paved the way for an increased interest in Hegel’s philosophy (see Rorty, Consequences of Pragmatism. Essays 1972–1980. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1982, xiv). Suddenly, Hegel’s philosophy was seen to be unencumbered by metaphysics. And since his authoritarianism has historically been linked to his metaphysics, he was also considered nonauthoritarian and relevant to contemporary debates (see Baumann, ‘Was Hegel an Authoritarian Thinker. Reading his Philosophy of History on the Basis of his Metaphysics’. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophy [forthcoming]). Now the very subject that Rorty wanted to avoid has come back to haunt interpreters in the tradition of Pippin, Pinkard, Brandom and McDowell. This is not only because it is hard to deny its relevance for Hegel, but also because of the resurgence of interest in metaphysics in analytic philosophy.
Hegel’s Realm of Shadows is the first book-length study of Hegel’s metaphysics among the leading exponents of this tradition. In line with Hegel, Pippin distinguishes between the ‘old’, pre-Kantian metaphysics of Spinoza and Leibniz among others and a ‘new’, (post-)Kantian metaphysics. Pippin’s readers will not be surprised that he associates Hegel broadly with the latter tradition. In contrast to what Hegel’s text may suggest, Pippin does not distinguish the types of metaphysics with regard to the realm of the world that they consider to be fundamental and which they, therefore, study. He does not assume that the old metaphysicians believe themselves capable of saying something about the underlying nature of the world (as it is independently of being thought of) and that the new metaphysics studies the necessary structure and categories of thought (and what effect they have on how a subject necessarily judges or thinks about any object). Rather, Pippin distinguishes the two types of metaphysics in terms of their approach to the question of knowledge. Old, pre-Kantian metaphysics wants to know ‘what there really is’ (36), the ‘furniture of the universe’ (137). The new metaphysics inspired by Kant concerns ‘the authority and legitimacy of our claims to know’ (190), it is a reflection on types of claims and their grounds or ‘unacknowledged presuppositions’ (50).
● Stephanie Ertz, Umgekehrte
Vorzeichen: Motive des 'Theologisch-politischen Traktats" in Hegels 'Geist
des Christentums'. In: Andreas Arndt, Christian Ibler & Günter Kruck
(Hrsg.), Staat und Religion in Hegels Rechtsphilosophie. Berlin: Akademie
Verlag, 2009, pp. 83-9
● Konrad Cramer, Eine kritische
Bemerkung zu Hegels Spinoza-Interpretation. In: Marco M. Olivetti (dir), Lo Spinozismo ieri e oggi. Padova: Cedam
[Archivio di filosofia], 1978, pp. 259-265
● Sánchez de Leon, José Mária &
Noa Shein, The Coincidence of the Finite and the Infinite in Spinoza and Hegel.
Forthcoming in Idealistic Studies,
2018 cf. PDF op academia.edu
This paper proposes a reassessment of Hegel’s critical reading of Spinoza and
of the charge of acosmism, for which this reading is known. We argue that this
charge is actually the consequence of a more fundamental criticism, namely
Spinoza’s presumable inability to conceive the unity of the finite and the
infinite. According to Hegel, the infinite and the finite remain two poles
apart in Spinoza’s metaphysics, which thus fails to be a true monism, insofar
as it contains an irreducible duality. Against this reading, we argue that
Spinoza’s conception of the causal co-determination of finite modes entails the
acknowledgment of their essentially infinite nature. The study of this
particular instance of coincidentia oppositorum enables to counter some of
Hegel’s criticisms as well as to illuminate a fairly unexplored aspect of Spinoza’s
substance monism. - published online on August 14, 2019
● Aaron Schuster (organizer), Hegel
and Spinoza: Negativity in contemporary theory ; workshop. Live-Mitschnitt
einer Veranstaltung am 03. Februar 2012 im ICI Berlin: ICI Kulturlabor
Corporation, 2012
● Samuel Newlands, Hegel’s Idealist
Reading of Spinoza. In: Philosophy
Compass 6(2):100 - 108 · February 2011 [cf. – PDF op BookSC]
this paper, I discuss Hegel’s influential reading of Spinoza as a kind of
idealist. I begin with a brief overview of Spinoza’s doctrines of substance,
mode, and attributes. I then turn to Hegel’s arguments that Spinoza is an
acosmicist (someone who denies the existence of finite individuals) and that Spinoza’s
attribute of thought becomes the sole fundamental attribute. Underlying both
criticisms is Hegel’s charge that Spinoza cannot consistently affirm his
doctrine of substance and his doctrines of attribute and mode pluralism. In
conclusion, I discuss the legacy of Hegel’s idealist reading.
● Samuel Newlands, More Recent
Idealist Readings of Spinoza. In: Philosophy Compass 6 (2):109-119 (2011) [cf.
– PDF op BookSC]
In this two-part series, I explore some of the most important and influential
interpretations of Spinoza as an idealist. In this second part, I turn to more
recent idealistic interpretations of Spinoza, including the important British
idealist school (including Pollock, Martineau, Joachim, and John Caird) at the
turn of the 20th century to a very recent and important kind of idealist
reading found in the work of Michael Della Rocca.
● Mariusz Tabaczek, From Spinoza to
Hegel – a Foundation of Contemporary Panentheism Applied to the
Science/Theology Dialogue – PDF op academia.edu
In recent years, the concept of panentheism has become one of the most
influential methodological frameworks among authors contributing to the
science/theology debate in the Anglo-American context. However, a deep and
well-weighed study of its philosophical foundations is still lacking. Moreover,
a more critical evaluation of its legitimacy within theological reflection in
the context of natural science is needed. The aim of this article is twofold.
First, I present an analysis of a critical shift in metaphysics and the
philosophy of God: I trace the origin of modern panentheism, the trajectory
from Spinoza to Hegel, from substance to subject, from ontologically
independent to an evolving God. Secondly, I refer to Barbour, Peacocke and
Clayton and try to reveal crucial problems that challenge their versions of
panentheism, as well as the one presented by Hegel. I claim that they all fail
to express properly God’s transcendence. I argue from the position of classical
● Paul Franks, "Nothing comes
from Nothing": Judaism, the Orient, and Kabbalah in Hegel's Reception of
Spinoza. In: Michael Della Rocca (ed.), The
Oxford Handbook of Spinoza. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp.
● Paul Redding, An Hegelian Actualist
Alternative to Naturalism. Chapter 5 in:
Paul Giladi (ed.), Responses to Naturalism. Critical Perspectives from Idealism and Pragmatism. Routledge, 2019 - 320 pagina's –books.google chapter 5
Paul Giladi (ed.), Responses to Naturalism. Critical Perspectives from Idealism and Pragmatism. Routledge, 2019 - 320 pagina's –books.google chapter 5
this chapter, I defend Hegel's alternative to Spinozist naturalism, focussing
on his approach to modality. Critical of Spinoza's necessitarianism, Hegel
insisted on finding a place for possibility in the actual, and with this, he
might be compared to some contemporary "actualists" who, affirming
the reality of possibility, oppose David Lewis's commitment to other possible
worlds. As the actual is all there is, alternate possibilities must be,
somehow, internal to it—unrealised states or properties of the actual. Drawing
on this parallel, I interpret Hegel's idealism as consequential to his
actualism. If, as some argue (and as is suggested by the phrase
"this-worldly"), "actual" functions as a type of indexical,
must not the actualist be committed to minds and their subjective points of
view in some sense that escapes our conception of nature? If so, actualism
seems to presuppose a type of idealism. This position would be toxic only if
the necessity of mindedness in reality were meant in a stronger sense—for
example, were the mind thought of as necessary per se-i.e. as present in every
possible state of the world. But this is just what Hegel opposes in Spinoza.
● David Proud, Toward The Idea of the
Absolute: A Critical Assessment of Hegel’s Relationship to Spinoza.
[Master-thesis? cf. acadeia.edu]
Hier nog een overzicht, opgediept uit Wayne
Boucher, Spinoza In English, A
Bibliography. A&C Black, 1999 – books.google.
N.B. In een volgend blog: Aanvulling Bibliografie Hegel & #Spinoza [16]

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