woensdag 23 oktober 2019

Willi Goetschel over Heinrich Heine's #Spinoza

Eerst schreef Willi Goetschel, hoogleraar Duits en filosofie aan de universiteit van Toronto
Willi Goetschel, “Heine's Spinoza," in: Idealistic Studies 33, no 2-3 (2003), pp. 207-21
En vervolgens ook nog eens uitgebreid over Heine in de laatste hoofdstukken van zijn
Willi Goetschel, Spinoza's Modernity: Mendelssohn, Lessing, and Heine [Madison: Unversiy of Eiscinson Press, 2004]

Dit jaar verscheen van hem
Willi Goetschel, Heine and Critical Theory. Bloomsbury Academic, 21-02-2019 – books.google

De eerste alinea van de bespreking van Anthony Phelan die vandaag op NDPR verscheen, luidt :
Heinrich Heine, German Jewish poet and essayist, has figured significantly in Willi Goetschel's work on what he has called 'the invention of modern Jewish thought', as the writer who mediated and in some measure liberated the critical force of Spinoza's thought. In resourcing a critique of Hegel from Spinoza, Heine appears as the thinker who was able to disturb an assimilationist settlement of the 'Jewish problem' in German culture. In this new book, Goetschel returns to Heine in the philosophical contexts he has considered before; the comic turns and ironic performances of Heine's Pictures of Travel, in particular, but also of his History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany and the studied frivolities of his memoir of Ludwig Börne, are drawn into an exposition that suggests ways in which Heine allows for and makes sense of significant later figures in a critical tradition -- first Marx and Nietzsche, then Freud, Adorno, Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Fromm and Marcuse, and even Foucault and Derrida. Throughout, Heine's engagement with Spinoza provides the critical impulse for an historical elucidationc of these varied critics and thinkers.
Cf, ook  blog van 24-04-2009: Heinrich Heine's (1797 - 1856) innovatieve Spinoza-interpretatie

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