donderdag 10 januari 2019

Dissertatie over #Spinoza en hoe wij volgens hem tot kennis komen

Vandaag kwam er tijdens mijn internet-speurtochten weer een Spinoza-dissertatie langs die ik hierbij graag doorgeef. Het gaat om een onderzoek naar Spinoza’s weg naar kennis of “epistemologie:”

Norman Lee Whitman, SPINOZA’S MATERIALIST “EPISTEMOLOGY”. Nashville, Tennessee: PhD-thesis Vanderbilt University, May, 2015 [PDF]
Scholars have begun to explore Baruch Spinozas critique of rationalism, largely because of his importance for later thinkers deeply concerned about the nature of body, including Nietzsche, Freud, Marx, Frankfurt school critical theorists, and feminists. Until now, however, Spinozas epistemological writings have not been properly addressed in this revival of interest in his materialism. My dissertation reconstructs Spinozas materialist method of knowing in an effort to reclaim it from Cartesian and idealist readings, offering instead a materialist reading of Spinozas epistemological writings that shows him as the first serious critic of modern rationalism. Contrary to the predominant reading of Spinoza in Anglo-American philosophy, which presents him as a metaphysician dependent on Cartesian epistemology, I argue that Spinoza offers something separate, akin to an epistemology, that distinguishes him from the Cartesian model and allows him to critique it. The dissertation explores how Spinozas method of knowing must involve material conditions, including concrete history, psychology, society, and politics, that are experienced through the body and that render a purely mental criterion for knowledge impossible. [cf.]

hier de Table of Contents

1 opmerking:

  1. Weer heel fijn dat je de dissertatie niet alleen noemt, maar ons ook toegang verleent!
