vrijdag 4 januari 2019

Thema VHS Spinoza-zomerweek 2019: #Spinoza en het ecologische denken

Hierna al enige suggesties:
linkergedeelte van het buitenpaneel met Spinoza-afbeelding en -tekst, te vinden langs het Filosofenpad in Leusden. [Cf. blog]
Zie mijn blog van 17 januari 2009: Arne Naess (1912 - 2009) Spinoza en deep ecology

Zie blog van 2 sept 2010: Bij Spinoza zou al 'duurzaamheid' te bespeuren zijn

Zie blog van 21 mei 2013: Spinoza via Carlowitz met 'duurzaamheid' in verband gebracht

Zie blog van 20-09-2013 De groene Spinoza

Verder wijs ik op het recente boek van
Moa De Lucia Dahlbeck, Spinoza, Ecology and International Law. Radical Naturalism in the Face of the Anthropocene, Routledge, 10 sept. 2018
[I] n response to the rapidly developing ecological crisis, his work has become central to a re-thinking of the human relationship with nature. Addressing the contention that Spinoza’s ethics might provide a useful source for developing a new, eco-centred framework for environmental law, this book elaborates a more nuanced understanding of Spinoza’s philosophy. Spinoza cannot, it is argued here, simply be reduced to an eco-ethicist. That is: his metaphysics cannot be used as basis of an essentially naturalised or extended human morality. At the same time, however, this book argues that the radicality of Spinoza’s naturalism nevertheless offers the possibility of developing a more adequate ecological basis for environmental law.

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