maandag 25 december 2017

Nieuwe toelichting op de Ethica op komst?

The Macat Library wordt opgebouwd en aangeboden door een club met nogal wat pretentie; de website staat vol met statements als:
Our smarter thinking guides: To be a critical thinker means being creative, reflective, and adaptable, evaluating the evidence to decide for yourself: what is accurate? What is relevant? Do I have sufficient information to take a decision? In short, critical thinking is smarter thinking.
Unlock the wisdom in the most important books ever written and learn to think smarter
Learn deeper, think smarter. The world's greatest books are the key to exceptional thinking skills. So we built our online library to make their ideas interesting, relevant and comprehensible to anyone.
We believe in the power of ideas. Our team of experts and PhDs have helped us curate and explain the 160 books that have shaped the world, and their wisdom can empower anyone to think smarter. Learn how to find creative solutions where other people see only a mass of information - and become a more powerful persuader - using ideas from the books you feel you should know. [Cf.]
‘Typisch Amerikaans’, zou je denken, maar het komt uit Engeland.
Een van de boeken die ze begin volgend jaar brengen is:
Baruch Spinoza’s Ethics. Macat International Limited [The Macat Library, hardcover & paperback], 31 Jan 2018 Geredigeerd door Gary Slater (holds a DPhil in theology and religion from the Univeristy of Oxford. He is currently a faculty member at St Edwards University, Texas)‎ & Andreas Vrahimis (the author of Encounters between Analytic and Continental Philosophy (2013). He teaches at the Univeristy of Cyprus)
Of het een nieuwe vertaling betreft, of er veel toelichting wordt gegeven, het blijkt allemaal niet uit de aanbieding bij Amazon. Maar de poeha eromheen, en de aanduiding "A Macat Analysis" doet iets verwachten; dus misschien interessant om in de gaten te houden. Het wordt aldus door de uitgever omschreven:
Baruch Spinoza's Ethics is a dense masterpiece of sustained argumentative reasoning. It earned its place as one of the most important and influential books in Western philosophy by virtue of its uncompromisingly direct arguments about the nature of God, the universe, free will, and human morals. Though it remains one of the densest and most challenging texts in the entire canon of Western philosophy, Ethics is also famous for Spinoza's unique approach to ordering and constructing its arguments. As its full title - Ethics, Demonstrated in Geometrical Order - suggests, Spinoza decided to use the rigorous format of mathematical-style propositions to lay out his arguments, just as the Ancient Greek mathematician Euclid had used geometrical propositions to lay out the basic rules of geometry. In choosing such a systematic method, Spinoza's masterwork shows the crucial aspects of good reasoning skills being employed at the highest level. The key use of reasoning is the production of an argument that is well-organised, supports its conclusions and proceeds logically towards its end. Just as a mathematician might demonstrate a geometrical proof, Spinoza sought to lay out a comprehensive philosophy for human existence - an attempt that has influenced generations of philosophers since.

Enfin, ik kan m’n nieuwsgierigheid niet bedwingen en heb bij Book Depository voor €6,78 de paperback besteld. Voor zo’n bedrag kan je je er geen buil aan vallen.
Aanvulling 6 jan. 2018. Het wordt kennelijk geproduceerd  door Routledge, want die uitgever heeft het staan onder de boeken die zij uitbrengen [cf.].

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