maandag 9 juli 2018

"My Spinoza." Het levenswerk van Charles J. Marcus - #spinoza

Het is er al sinds ruim een jaar, maar vandaag pas stuitte ik op:
Charles J. Marcus, My Spinoza. Heretic, Genius, Outcast, Visionary. Your Guide to the Joy of Sustained Enlightenment. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 25, 2017 - 250 pages [Amazon]

De auteur omschrijft dit in eigen beheer uitgegeven boek - hij noemt het in de inleiding “This book is my life's work” - aldus:

Heretic, Genius, Outcast, Visionary - Spinoza was all of these as well as a kind soft-spoken man who ground glass lenses for a living. At one point his views were considered so dangerous that both the Catholic clerics and Rabinnical leaders of his hometown of Amsterdam wanted him dead. What were these words that caused riots and were deemed too dangerous to be repeated? That's the subject of this book. It delves into the life of Spinoza and the meaning of the words he left behind. This book is not a historical treatise - this is a "how to" guide to seeking a path of understanding and ultimately, for a few, enlightenment. Where this path and this book takes you, is only up to you. The goal of this book is to help decipher the enchantingly dense writing of Spinoza and make it more palatable without "dumbing it down" in any way. This book is not for scholars but for anyone who is searching for an organized view of the world which leads to happiness and understanding.
[De achterflap]

Uit de achterflap en zeer sterk uit de bibliografie wordt duidelijk dat de auteur zeer bezig is geweest niet alleen met Spinoza maar ook met de lessen van boeddhistische en hindoeïstische leraren - vooral de hindoepriester en theologieprofessor dr. Bhek Pati Sinha die bewonderaar van Spinoza was wiens werk volgens hem "were among the most important writings on the planet." ["Introduction", p. 5)
Ik breng het hier, daar er altijd wel mogelijk iemand geïnteresseerd is in een verlichtingsopwekking als deze.

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