donderdag 8 februari 2018

Is Spinoza’s “atheïsme van stilte” u al bekend?

Een nieuwe stoot in het atheïsme-debat van John Gray is aanstaande.
Eind april zal een nieuw boek verschijnen van de [cf.] wel “atheist-hating atheist” genoemde John Gray daar die niets moet hebben van de “new-atheists”:

John Gray, Seven types of atheism. Allen Lane , hardback 30 april 2018, Penguins e-book 26 April 2018, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018 - 192 pages

A meditation on the importance of atheism in the modern world - and its inadequacies and contradictions - by one of Britain's leading philosophers; [cf. Amazon]; an incisive, surprising intervention in the political and scientific debate over religion and atheism [Farrar, Straus and Giro]

De “Prospect Book Club” stelt op 21 mei 2018 dit boek aan de orde en schrijft erover (vanuit kennelijk inside information):
Atheism hasn’t been well served by some of its more shrill adherents in recent years. In his new book, the philosopher John Gray tries to correct that lack by exploring the rich, complex world of non-belief, from the secular humanism of Bertrand Russell to the atheism of silence of Spinoza. One of our most provocative thinkers, Gray is sure to take no prisoners on either side of the ever-present religion debate. [cf.]
We wachten de nieuwe discussies af.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Review van 't boek van John Gray door Noel Malcolm, in NewStatesman van 24 april 2018: "Why atheists are true believers too. How atheisms are imitating the religions they claim to reject."

  2. Review van Patrick Freyne op 24 april 2018 in The Irish Times: "Where do atheists get their values? John Gray explores fixed idea, unquestioning atheism in his new book Seven Types of Atheism."

  3. Nog een review - van Marina Vaizey|Sunday, TheArtsDesk, 29 April 2018: "John Gray: Seven Types of Atheism review - to believe, or not to believe. The eminent philosopher opts for the latter choice, leaving no belief system unassailed."

  4. Vandaag een review door Arvind Sharma op WIRE, getiteld "Western Atheism: A Guide For the Perplexed." Header: "John Gray's new book explores seven types of non-belief in a creator-god but ignores ideas about atheism in India, China and the east."

  5. Gisteren verscheen in The Los Angeles Review of Books een bespreking door Ed Simon: "The Atheist Illusion." Of eigenlijk is het meer een commentaar - een discussie.
    Volgens hem heeft Gray het - vreemd genoeg - over "the holy asceticism of Benedict Spinoza,"
    "Seven Types of Atheism is ultimately about how each of Gray’s categories (even if he has obvious preferences for some over others) is really a type of sublimated faith."
    The prayed-to-god, it would seem, is not the real God. This is the position of that God-intoxicated atheist Spinoza, who, while denying the deity of scriptures, could affirm that “our salvation or blessedness or freedom consists […] in a constant and eternal love of God.” With sympathy to Spinoza, Gray understands that a “godless world is as mysterious as one suffused with divinity, and the difference between the two may be less than you think.”
