Ja, als de grondslagen van hun godsdienst hun
geestkracht niet zouden doen verslappen, zou ik absoluut geloven dat zij eens,
als de gelegenheid zich voordeed – want zo veranderlijk zijn de menselijke
zaken – hun staat weer zouden oprichten en dat God hen opnieuw zou uitverkiezen.
Bij MWC News, Media With Conscience, verscheen gisteren een zgn. Zionism timeline: The Six-Point Star: A timeline of the creation, relationship, and co-dependency between the state of Israel and the movement of Zionism.The concept of Zionism existed for many years before a definitive word was created. Originally, the concept was not religiously affiliated, and was, in fact, discouraged by many rabbis and respected religious authorities. It was also in conflict with many other movements for Jewish rights, which were focused on gaining security and equality in the places that Jewish people were already living, and had been living, for generations. Originally, many different options of a homeland were considered, until the idea of what has historically been defined as being the Land of Israel/the Holy Land, and what is/was known as Palestine was settled on as the ideal.
Zionism: a movement of the Jewish people towards the (re)establishment of a Jewish homeland.
De internetpagina geeft een reeks van vele tientallen feiten en gebeurtenissen bij de betreffende jaartallen van 1561 [Joseph Nazi, a Jewish diplomat in the court of Ottoman Sultan Selim II, encourages the establishment of a Jewish settlement in Tiberias] tot 1948 [on the 8th of May, the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel is made.]
Als vijfde jaartal en gebeurtenis lezen we:
1670: Baruch Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise is published, the first work to consider the Jewish Question in Europe.
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