hier te signaleren bundeling van teksten over Spinoza was de vijfde van een
serie readers die in korte tijd in het Engels verschenen. Daar ik over de
eerste vier readers blogs heb (ik vermeld ze onder), wordt het tijd dat ik aan dit
vijfde in successie eveneens een blog wijdt.
boek verscheen als eerste in de door G.H. Hubbeling begonnen reeks Philosophia Spinozae Perennis [een reeks
die ik in het blog van 25-07-2008 reconstrueerde):
James B. Wilbur (Ed.), Spinoza's metaphysics.
Essays in Critical Appreciation. Van Gorcum, Assen/A'd, 1976 (Serie: Philosophia
Spinozae Perennis 1), VII + 163 pp.
Uit het review van Charles Jarrett [in: Journal of the History of Philosophy 18, 1 (1980), 87-90] en de
Duitse Spinoza Bibliografie blijkt dit de
N. Beck, "The Attribute of Thought", 1-12
Errol E. Harris, "Body-Mind Relation in Spinoza's Philosophy", 13-28
Dennis A. Rohatyn, "Spinoza's Emotivism", 29-35
Ernest Sherman, "Spinoza and the Divine Cogito: God as 'Self-Performance' ", 36-43
Stewart Umphrey, "Spinoza's Defense of Human Freedom", 44-65
James B Wilbur, "Is Spinoza's God Self-Conscious?", 66-84
William J. Edgar, "Continuity and the Individuation of Modes in Spinoza's Physics", 85-105
Robert Pasotti, “Spinoza: The Metaphysician as Healer", 106-114
Stanley Rosen, "Hegel, Descartes, and Spinoza", 115-132
Harold J. Allen, "Spinoza's Naturalism and our Contemporary Neo-Cartesians", 133-155
Errol E. Harris, "Body-Mind Relation in Spinoza's Philosophy", 13-28
Dennis A. Rohatyn, "Spinoza's Emotivism", 29-35
Ernest Sherman, "Spinoza and the Divine Cogito: God as 'Self-Performance' ", 36-43
Stewart Umphrey, "Spinoza's Defense of Human Freedom", 44-65
James B Wilbur, "Is Spinoza's God Self-Conscious?", 66-84
William J. Edgar, "Continuity and the Individuation of Modes in Spinoza's Physics", 85-105
Robert Pasotti, “Spinoza: The Metaphysician as Healer", 106-114
Stanley Rosen, "Hegel, Descartes, and Spinoza", 115-132
Harold J. Allen, "Spinoza's Naturalism and our Contemporary Neo-Cartesians", 133-155
Charles Jarrett gaat in zijn gedegen review uitvoerig in op
misinterpretaties van verschillende auteurs van hetgeen Spinoza in Ethica 1/17s
stelt over verstand en wil m.b.t. God. Een kennelijk notoir moeilijke tekst die
we op dit blog vaker aan de ode hebben gehad. Ik overweeg die interessante
beschouwing van de reviewer in een volgend blog over te nemen. Jarrett eindigt zijn bespreking
„In addition to lack of care in characterizing
Spinoza's position, readers will find an unusual degree of obscurity in the
claims and arguments advanced in this collection. But despite this, the authors
grapple with important issues in an attempt to understand Spinoza, and their
papers will, it is to be hoped, stimulate further interest in Spinoza's works.“
Ik haal nog één interessant commentaar van Charles Jarrett aan:
Harris attempts to explain
Spinoza's position on the mind-body relation, in the course of which he states
that the idea or mind of an object is "an active, self-illuminating
awareness" of the object (p. 14), and that the idea of a body "is
thus the consciousness which that body has of i t s e l f . . . " (p. 14).
The generality of this explanation is threatened, however, by Harris's attempt
to explain Spinoza's remark (in E, II, xiii, s) that all individuals are
animata. For we are here told (p. 16) that a stone is not aware of itself and
not "worthy of the name of consciousness"--even though it has a mind.
It is unclear whether Harris attempts to avoid this apparent contradiction.
The further suggestion (pp. 14, 18-19) that the mind and body are identical because there is only one substance is surely mistaken, since the mind and body are not substances, but modes, according to Spinoza (see E, II, def. i; lI, x; and II, x, c).
The further suggestion (pp. 14, 18-19) that the mind and body are identical because there is only one substance is surely mistaken, since the mind and body are not substances, but modes, according to Spinoza (see E, II, def. i; lI, x; and II, x, c).
Hier tenslotte nog een korter review:
vier eerder verschenen Spinoza-bundels
De eerste verzamelbundel was die van Paul Kashap (Ed.), Studies in Spinoza: Critical and Interpretive Essays (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1972); [cf. blog]
Marjorie Grene (Ed.), Spinoza: A
Collection of Critical Essays (Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor, 1973); [cf. blog]
Eugene Freeman & Maurice Mandelbaum (Eds.), Spinoza: Essays in Interpretation (La Salle, IU.: Open Court,
1973); [cf. blog]
J. G. van der Bend (Ed.), Spinoza on Knowing, Being, and Freedom (Assen: Van
Gorcum, 1974. [cf. blog]
Over James
Benjamin Wilbur kan ik verder niets vinden, behalve dan dat hij nog deze boeken
uitbracht, samen met Harold J. Allen schreef:
James B. Wilbur & Harold J. Allen, The worlds of the early Greek philosophers.
Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1979. [cf.]
James B. Wilbur & Harold J. Allen, The Worlds Of Plato And Aristotle. U.S.A.
: American Book Company, 1962 - reprint Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1979
J.B. Wilbur & H.J. Allen (Eds.), The Worlds Of Hume And Kant, Prometheus
Books, 195 pages [cf.]
toen ik dit allemaal had bijeengezocht en verzameld, bleek me (ik was het helemaal
vergeten!) dat ik reeds op 04-08-2015 een blog had over “De Spinoza-reader van James
B. Wilbur”
zo blijf ik lekker bezig.
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